
As a leading entrepreneur and a lecturer of entrepreneurship, business, personal development and gender equality, Keren Hod offers in her lectures a variety of content worlds, from professional topics, through inspirational and motivational talks. Keren has an extensive experience in lecturing at leading companies in the industry.

From Ben-Gurion to Harvard
How Keren established the international women's entrepreneurship organization WE, which expanded from Be'er Sheva to Harvard University and other prestigious institutions in the USA and became a leading international organization. The organization has about 40 thousand community members, and the organization's graduates have raised millions of dollars for their ventures. The organization cooperates with leading people and companies.
In her lecture, Keren expands on her difficulties, obstacles, successes and personal journey as a young entrepreneur.

Professional lectures on entrepreneurship
As the founder and CEO of an organization that prepare women to become entrepreneurs, Keren also delivers various lectures herself on entrepreneurship topics such as: "How to start a venture from scratch", business communication, personal branding and more.
It is possible to build a lecture adapted to the needs of the organization.

For details and booking a lecture, send an email to contact@kerenhod.com or click on "Book a lecture".